We’re in the News!

We’re in the News!

Dr. Terry Hildebrandt and the other Citizens for a Safe and Clean Denver are fed up with the increase in crime, violence and open drug use in the city.

Dr. Hildebrandt says that “if we had folks wandering streets as Alzheimer’s patients getting run over by cars, we would never allow that. However, some of the addicts I’ve experienced right here, outside my front door clearly can’t make good decisions. I think it’s (an) unethical situation to allow people to freeze to death and kill themselves in the street.”

Dr. Hildebrandt and the other members of Citizens for a Safe and Clean Denver are focused on enacting tougher drug laws on a state wide basis along with more on-demand, in-patient mental health and substance abuse treatment centers. We are pushing for zero tolerance of urban camping.

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